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My Hospital bag... for the third time.

Does anyone else find packing yours and babies hospital bag really stressful? I over think way too much and I really panic if I am going to forget something, and to be honest I probably more than likely will…

There are so many websites and opinions on what should go in a hospital bag, there’s even companies now that do pre packed hospital bags for you… which personally I think is a little bit over the top.

Everyone will have there own opinion on what is important in a hospital bag and for me personally the less you take with you the better! There isn’t a lot of space when you go into hospital especially if you go onto the maternity ward before or after delivery of your baby!

Unfortunately for me the first time round I didn’t get to pack my hospital bag as I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and we ended up delivering Oscar at 35 weeks so we had nothing for him, but thankfully I have amazing family and friends who done emergency premature clothing runs etc to help us out… 0-3 doesn’t look good on a 5lb baby!

If it’s your first baby even deciding when to pack your hospital bag can be daunting, after having a premature baby second time round I feel you should at least start preparing your bag from 30 weeks.

When packing your bag I done a lot of googling and research… there’s so many different things what people class as “needing in a hospital bag” the funniest thing I saw on a TV programme recently (Spencer, Vogue and baby to) and they had candles in her suitcase… I mean candles are the last thing I’d be thinking about while labouring and I’m pretty sure no hospital would allow candles out due to oxygen etc anyway… did give me a laugh though!

My hospital bag varied a tiny bit between having George and this time round just due to the fact of the weather George was born in May so it was actually really warm and are little girl is due in February so it’s going to be a bit chilly.

So here is a list of my must haves for your hospital bag;

For mum

Maternity pads ( I got mine from boots as they usually do 3 for 2)Maternity nickers (about 5 pairs)Night dress (for giving birth)A couple of pairs of Pyjamas for after or before active labour or waters being brokenGoing home clothes (something comfy, leggings and top etc as your stomach will still be swollen)Breast pads (couple pairs) Socks, Dressing gown, Nursing bra (2) Phone charger, Maternity notes,Wash bag (shampoo, shower gel, razor, deodorant, perfume) Makeup (just basic, I felt it made me feel brighter and not so shitty when I was going home)

For Baby

Maternity pads ( I got mine from boots as they usually do 3 for 2)Maternity nickers (about 5 pairs)Night dress (for giving birth)A couple of pairs of Pyjamas for after or before active labour or waters being broken Going home clothes (something comfy, leggings and top etc as your stomach will still be swollen)Breast pads (couple pairs) Socks, Dressing gown, Nursing bra (2) Phone charger, Maternity notes,Wash bag (shampoo, shower gel, razor, deodorant, perfume) Makeup (just basic, I felt it made me feel brighter and not so shitty when I was going home)cotton balls second time I just went straight to wipes)

So these are what I class as my most important items for going to have a baby, this list will change depending on everyone’s needs for example a c section you wouldn’t need a night dress for giving birth as you will be wearing a hospital gown etc…

I hope for any first time mums out there this helps or if you are having your second child or third etc…

However I might of missed something, so if you think I have missed anything important or want to share what you have packed before let me know I might add it to my hospital bag!

Thanks for reading…

Morgen x

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