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  • Writer's pictureThe outnumbered mum

3 Months of you florence

we are back... so Florence was 3 months old this week and I can't honestly believe how quickly time has passed us by, probably because I am so busy with hospital appointments, running after two feral toddlers and spending everyday wondering why my house looks constantly like a waste centre!

To put it bluntly this month has been crap My anxiety and mood has been shocking and poor Florence couldn't of been through a more distressing time! 2 hospital admissions later I'm hoping things are on the mend... fingers crossed!

So in a bit more detail...

Florence was finally diagnosed with CMPA (Cows milk protein allergy) Florence had lost 6oz in a week, was incredibly unsettled, loose stools and awful skin coming up in a rash during and after feeds, went to the doctors and they ended up sending us to the hospital spent the day there but now we know what is wrong with her.

Now because I'm breastfeeding I was told with immediate affect to go onto a cows milk free diet and my lack of will power... yes, your right I have given up. Now I've taken this pretty hard, I feel awful for not being able to stick it out for Florence's sake but I think this is probably for the best.

We saw the dietitian last Thursday and she has given Florence Neocate LCP on prescription (£40 a tin!!!!!!!) 1 - to help her gain weight as she's still 7lb 11oz (tiny I know for 3 months) and 2 - as it doesn't contain cows milk protein, in all honesty I'm gutted to stop breastfeeding as we have come so far but I'm not going to make myself miserable regarding my diet and Florence does seem to be happier on the prescription formula, I have however decided to still express so I can donate to our local milk bank and we are being seen again in another two weeks in the clinic as they have decided to keep a close eye on Florence's development!

And to some of you who already know Florence was involved in an accident which Involved her being blue lighted to hospital! yes she is fine and we are going down the appropriate routes to make sure it won't happen again, when I can discuss in more detail I will!

Apart from all that drama though she's completely fine and beyond beautiful I still can't quite believe she's mine.


Florence has been really good during the night, she basically sleeps through now, she sometimes wakes for the occasional feed but she roughly goes down about 8pm and we won't hear from her until about 4am so I'm glad to be getting a good amount of sleep... even if it doesn't feel like it!


I swear yesterday I heard her giggle for the first time, Florence has been smiling since about 5 weeks and it is so infectious... she constantly melts my heart especially when your trying to feed her and she's looking at you with her big blue eyes smiling away! Florence is also cooing loads and I sometimes find myself trying to have a conversation with her but she's probably thinking "please be quiet!". Her head control is getting better everyday and I can definitely tell who the boss is around the house, she makes herself known!

I can't wait to see what the next month brings, I'm a little sad she's growing so quickly but I also can't wait to see her develop into her own character!

For a bit of good news though while the boys were on easter break we also found out Oscar got into the school we wanted (I actually woke up at midnight just to find out) which I'm so thankful for, so I won't have to make trips to two schools! Hurray!!!


until next time

Morgen x

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